Saturday, August 29, 2009

Hand Job

I'm really excited about a purchase I made today! I bought Hand Job: A Catalog of Type by Michael Perry from Amazon.

I ordered a $25 gift certificate to Amazon with my Chase Rewards points and it came in today. I have a three page wish list forming on their site with tons of books on illustration and typography. I'm really trying to build a collection of books that inspire me and this will be the first for typography. And what could be better than starting my mini resource library with a free starter book?! I'm sooooo excited. I can't wait for it to come in!

1 comment:

studio pashnada said...

certainly sounds nasty

reminds me how much hand lettering I used to do before discovering all the amazing fonts available via computers - and now, like so many other people, I don't think my writing or hand lettering is "good enough"

I'll have to look into this some more ~ Sherry

ps - how's life? miss you