Sunday, February 22, 2009

It's All in a Name

Do you ever come up with a cute and clever name, but you don't know what to do with it? I was just baking some cinnamon rolls and thought that it would be cute if I had named something "l m n o p" or "Q & A". So cute, right? Maybe? heh Well, I looked to see if they were taken on Etsy and this is what I found:

I'm tempted to message them both and just say, "Hey! Your shop name is so cute! Why don't you add something to sell?" :)

But, I'd totally be the pot calling the kettle black. I have 4 shops *gasp*, and two are momentarily empty:

Happy Place Design - all handmade accessories and upcycled vintage designs
Smally and Tally - the shop I share with my boyfriend to house our art prints
Stereotype - meant for all of my type-style accessories that I'm currently designing
Some Wood Say - a little hush hush project I'm working on that I hope to have up and running in the next couple of months

Why four shops, you ask? Because I'm a busy lady with a gazillion ideas that never end. I sew, design graphics, draw, spray paint, cut, glue, make jewelry, write, create, and recreate things all of the time. I gained a particular entrepreneurial gene from my father that I don't think will ever pass. I have a thousand ideas from day to day and I want to sell all of them and share them with the world. It's silly, I'm sure, but it's me. Even if I never make a sale, it's in my genes to put myself out there, and I'm completely okay with that.

Maybe this little post will give someone the strength to put themselves out there if they've been a little too shy to try. Or maybe "lmnop" and "QandA" will see this and will add some pieces to their shops. Sometimes all people really need is a little encouragement. :)

Never Stop Creating,

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